Refinement continues

Just when you think that you are out of the desert, it occurs that you are still deep in.

It is hard work in the desert. You get to know God in a great way and get prepared for all that He has purposed you. That’s awesome. Then, you have to walk out the process of your character being refined. That is not so awesome.

I dont want to look for another job. I have done that for 6 years. Over and over. Now, my resume reads like swiss cheese. I am happy flipping hamburgers. But, I have to keep going. I dont want off the train. I just wish that it would speed up.

I fixed a cup of tea today. It’s the third day of my fast. That didnt seem to go over well. I dumped it out. I had fixed some coffee too, but it came out thin. It’s not the right thing to do. Water it is then.

I am going to look for a “normal” job. That brings the greatest stability to my family and affords us whatever it is that He wants to provide now in terms of housing, a dog, etc. I dont know where He wants us, but I am going to just look here since here is where we are. I have a phone call with some guys in Austin in a week or so. Maybe, that will bear fruit.

Steve Tucker and I had some good dialogue yesterday. He spoke serious stuff into me. He totally gets the desert and has his own story there. He saw the LORD’s hand on me and counseled me not to get out too early. His advice was to go find a job that I enjoyed and have fun with the time that I have in what God is doing with me. I need to define what that looks like. That is my next step.

What I want to know is what is in me that needs to be surrendered. What is the crown that I wear now, LORD? Please take it!