Revelation on Deception

I have been afraid to get it wrong. This has paralyzed my decision process with the LORD.

God showed me something yesterday.

I got deceived in ’05 through “hearing” something. I didnt test it or anything. I heard God better than anyone – so I thought. And, I didnt know He doesnt do things the same way every time. He was humbling me and teaching me.

The Nashville thing is an example of much different communication.

  1. I “heard” “now” and things immediately started happenging that were outside of anything I was doing.
  2. I lost my job, did the fast, got three phone calls on ministry and two on Nashville. Then, two folks came up to me saying that God would provide. One gave me $100 and said it was just the start.

The things aside from the fast and “now” all happened externally and out of the mouth of two or three witnesses. in ’05, I heard but didnt process. This time, I heard now and fast but everything else happened on its own. Very different.

So, it appears to be quite obvious that is the LORD.

I am going to Nashville. The four things that I have seen/heard: “now”, minsitry, nashville, provision.

And, when I hear things, I will take it to two or three for confirmation and processing – no more trying to talk to a million folks.

There is freedom in how I process, when I “hear”. And, I will test the spirits.

My primary method will be to seek counsel from a few and then get many to pray into my decision without seeking their guidance.