Seeing it Differently

God is onto something big. This is so amazing. The LORD has worked it that the very issues between Laura and I are the same as between me and the world. She has been an exact replica of what is going on with the sole purpose of showing me what I could not otherwise see.

The issue of the prophetic is that you see it as it should be  if the now is a long way off, you need patience, kindness, etc to help see it through.

When the now involves you directly, it can be a great challenge because it seems that others who can’t see it are messing up your life.

What if God put you there to change it?

Very cool.

Email to the posse for help:

Hey there,

Laura got home today, and it was good. She has been gone a week.

But, there has been tension building since Weds after my time with the RV place ended. I dreaded talking to her because “I see what God is doing”, and she sees the need for a job. Or so I thought…  Truthfully, we are both seeing things correctly but through different lenses. 

The discussion ended up being anything than I thought it would be.

You see, our communications have not been great – for what seems like forever. I see her as negative, critical and not edifying at all. So, I put up walls whenever it was time to talk.

What God has revealed just today is that she is a prophetic representation of the way that I see things. The LORD told me that He was going to teach me to see things differently, and that just keeps coming.

The point is that I need to see what is right, positive and edifying and learn how to better communicate correction and direction in a non-critical (negative) way. It is easy, prophetically speaking, to see what needs to be, whether that is in business or people. But, not everyone can see it. 

So, it is critically important to learn how to get them there in grace and humility and love. 

The realization of this led me to an overwhelmed feeling of just how much grace I need to change. I can’t do this. But, I am in agreement with what God is showing me.

Would you please pray for me on the release of this grace. 

i am convinced that as I get it, so will Laura since we are one. She is my barometer on the progress. I am excited that God is killing two giants with a single stone.

Thanks for praying. I am most grateful. 

And, thanks for bearing with me as I grow up.

Oh, if you haven’t watched Bill Johnson from last week, you should. A big key to breakthrough is honor. We all need this understanding. Bill explains it like I have never heard before. Awesome.