I see a bunch of sheep in a pen. There is a hunter in the mountains looking down at them. He is positioned in the rocks on a ledge and is not easy to detect.
So, I climb. I climb right up the face of the mountain. it is vertical and treacherous. I have an ice pick in my hand. When I get to him, I put hte pointy end of the the ice pick in his skull and toss him over the ledge. Not a word was spoken. I just climbed over the ledge and busted him up.
I see that the enemy wants to hide in the high places. He hides in the nooks and crannies where it can be hard to reach. We must fearlessly ascend to the places where we otherwise might not want to go – those places that we built up in our own minds. Yes, it can be dangerous, but freedom is the reward.
Dont let those hunting the LORD’s sheep prosper. Face the fears and destroy the enemy.
From the ledge, I can see lots of sheepfolds – all over the place.
The effects of breakthrough and destroying the enemy allow you to enter a new realm. Increase in authority awaits. Press through, come up higher; destroy the enemy.