
Ok, bad word. Great description though.

Laura and I had a massive fight the other night – talk about demonic manifestation. It was crazy. I said stuff I would never say. I hope that is true for her too.

Laura thinks I am going to walk out on the student loans. And, she thinks that I am vindictive enough to ruin her on the Internet. Man, what is going on. I can hear fear, Jezebel and all kinds of stuff going on. It is so bad that I cannot communicate to her at all.

And, this lady in Nashville. I dont know what’s going on there. I offered to help. But, she picked apart my comments on her not having enough proof socially. I think she meant that to mean likes on FB and not proven in the market where people would buy her stuff. No matter what, I can see that her heart is hardened towards me. Its everywhere right now.

And, here is Lana today. Right on.


by Lana

Many are facing what seems to be a horrific rainstorm of dark clouds and storms…fear and intimidation roaring like thunder but here comes a turning and a lightning bolt from heaven, His power and miraculous breakthrough to set you free, heal you and deliver you!!!! Rainclouds of refreshing are about to burst!

And this one today or yesterday.


by Lana

Things are not what they seem. There is a whirlwind that’s being created by the spirit of witchcraft to hinder your vision, stall your steps, and abort the birthing and keep you caged in torment. It’s not going to happen! God is blowing away the smokescreen, revealing truth and you are transitioning into a whole new realm fo revelation of who He is, the season that is upon you, and the promised land you are entering into. TRUTH, the REVELATION of HIS TRUTH is going to set you free!!!
This whirlwind that this demonic spirit is creating, is causing many of you to feel like you’re drowning, you won’t make it through and you’re not at the right place at the right time. This whirlwind caused by this demonic spirit is causing many to feel condemned, fearful and not feeling the peace and delight of the Lord.
The Lord is not only about to part the waters so you can move out of this demonic whirlwind that’s trying to take you out, but you will be showered with extravagant confirmation, blessing, provision, increase and life where your eyes will see and ears will hear the resounding voice of your heavenly Daddy declaring “You are in the right place at the right time and you haven’t missed a step. I am so proud of you for how you live your life with a resounding YES to Me.”