I met Bruce Miller today. There was so much offense and hard stuff going on in my heart.
Wasnt sure whether we did any damage today, but as I was running this afternoon, a bald eagle flew in front of me. Yup. There was some damage done, bless the LORD.
And, at 5:55, I read this article. This is what I needed to hear.
Theresa Phillips: “The Revelation Cometh! The Day Has Been Opened to Receive the Realm of Revelation” by Theresa Phillips Mar 3, 2014 From the desk of Steve Shultz: Theresa Phillips has many supernatural encounters full of Revelation from the Lord, that are out of this world…literally! God is building up the five-fold ministry in this hour – and equipping the saints for the great harvest at hand, as Theresa shares in her latest revelation: “I am distributing a new day of workers…These men and women will be forerunners of an awakening. An awakening which will be known all across the nations of America, Canada, Jamaica, China, Great Britain, Germany, and the Ukraine. Yes, awakening the soul to a yes. Fear will not have torment among these people.” Be blessed and, “Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the LORD rises upon you” (Isaiah 60:1). Steve Shultz To receive daily, encouraging prophetic emails from The Elijah List to your inbox CLICK HERE. *** Note from Steve Shultz: Your support for the Elijah List helps to pay the cost to deliver daily Words from the Lord to you for FREE. You help us by simply purchasing your prophetic and other Christian resources from a selection of over 6,000 products directly from us at: elijahshopper.com. We appreciate our dear readers and we thank you for supporting your Elijah List staff! Blessings, Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
Basic Training for the Prophetic Ministry Prophetic Evangelism To receive daily, encouraging prophetic emails from The Elijah List to your inbox CLICK HERE. Theresa Phillips: “The Revelation Cometh! The Day Has Been Opened to Receive the Realm of Revelation”While listening to the Spirit of the Lord, I heard these simple words: “The revelation cometh.” I was wondering what GOD was saying. Then it was like WHAM! I was feeling the power of GOD calling me to write down these words. I knew I was in the Presence. It was 1:46 AM. It was Revelation 14:6: “Then I saw another angel flying in the midst of Heaven, having the everlasting Gospel to preach to those who dwell on the earth – to every nation, tribe, tongue, and people…” He spoke, “The day has been opened to receive the realm of revelation. Coming forth is a new rhema of the Word. The prophetic will increase with wisdom and maturity, ministering to the Church the strength needed in the months ahead. “I am releasing new prophets in this next season of revelators. This is the first group to be released; many will follow later. These prophets will not be carrying mantles of the past. These prophets will point up, up, up to the coming day of the new beholding of HIM. “This new day is a day of new beginnings and new understanding of the written Word. What seemed to be shut up will now be opened in the Word. “The new day is a new understanding of the way to walk, the understanding of ‘love Me more than these’ (see John 21:15), the understanding that ‘His love endures to the end.’ “I will call new evangelists to be released in the summer season. The harvest will begin to emerge hungry harvesters for the Word. These who will be caught in the net of GOD will establish new prayer lines in diverse places. Yes, many will begin to stand outside hotels and churches, homes and industry for the prayer that is going to be released there. “I am releasing many in the work field who will have hidden prayer rooms. Industry will call for the prayer room to be established in their place of work. Many Of You Have Been Hidden Until Such a Time As This “I will begin to do outrageous miracles in front of Believers and unbelievers, causing a media stir. The Josephs that have been held captive, those I have kept under wraps, hidden and left forgotten by the Church, will be released. They will become messengers of the promises, and they will have audience with many kings of the nations. “I shall release seers to see for a country. Radical givers to give to the needy. Radical soul winners to set captives free. Radical inventors to shake industry with inventions that cannot fail! Company owners that will look in the streets and take the homeless and give them jobs. “I am opening from Heaven a wave of the Wind… Whoosh, it will come on the earth. Be not afraid! “The wave of the Wind shall be crossing the footpaths of those who have been walking crooked and have been weary, and may have lost their way. I make straight paths (see Isaiah 45:2). Some of you who live in the realm of the Spirit will feel the wind on your knees NOW, and on your feet. This is a sign to you I am doing it now! I am changing your walk! “I am causing many to get a limp wrestling with My angel (see Genesis 32). BUT they will encounter the Presence they have hungered for. “I am distributing a new day of workers. Workers who are strong in spirit and body, who will not complain. They are of all ages; as young as five, and as old as 105. Yes, you will see more 100-year-old men and women, who will say, ‘It has been my God and my faith which kept me.’ “You will see more than you have ever before, for I have kept them hidden until now. These men and women will be forerunners of an awakening. An awakening which will be known all across the nations of America, Canada, Jamaica, China, Great Britain, Germany, and the Ukraine. Yes, awakening the soul to a yes. Fear will not have torment among these people. “Now hear Me: I will cause My enemy who has troubled you to flee in seven directions. Get ready to feel the whirlwind as they leave. Say, ‘Bye bye’… In This Season of Doing You Will Find Joy In Your Soul “Children, I will cherish My time with you. Enter into this season of doing. Doing… –Acts of love “Enjoy the act. In the surrender of the acts, you will find joy in your soul. “I will remove the door on the stall and the calf will go forth. You will be like the calf let out of the stall,” says the Lord. “Enjoy the run. “Get ready,” says the Lord. “I am revealing who you really are to you. Now, in these days you will see, you will dream again; you will dance and sing…yes, you will,” says the Lord! “For today is the day I have freshly begotten you. I am breathing on you now! Come now, enter into the closet of prayer, and come out ready and willing to be in the now.” Let us pray a simple, small prayer: “Here I am, Lord. Send me.” “Again, here I am, Lord. Send me. Amen.” Dr. Theresa Phillips Dr. Theresa Phillips is senior pastor of Praise Ministries Church and dean of Praise Christian Seminary in St. Charles, Illinois. Theresa is dedicated to helping you encounter the living God and be filled with His never-ending glory. Pastor Theresa and her husband Robert have started an online publication called Chicago Prophetic Voice. This online publication is intended to help you see and hear the unseen and unheard realms of God as they are portrayed in the written Scriptures of the Holy Bible. To subscribe to The Elijah List go to: Theresa Phillips’ Itinerary:Note: Events are subject to change at the ministry’s discretion. We suggest you always check first with the event contact listed here and/or directly visit their website for latest updates on each event. Every Sunday at 10:30am and 6pm Each Wednesday at 7pm March 19-23, 2014 Basic Training for the Prophetic Ministry Prophetic Evangelism Permission is granted (and you are also encouraged) to reprint these articles in hard copy form, as well as sending them to your own email lists and posting them on your own websites. We ask only that you keep ElijahList website, email contact info, and author contact information intact. ElijahList Publications |