Song of Solomon and Separation

Song of Solomon 2:7

Until the day breaks

And the shadows flee away

Turn, my beloved.

And be like a gazelle

Or a young stag

Upon the mountains of Bether

Bether = separation.

Laura and I have walked upon the mountain of Bether. We have stood on its peak, and we have cast it into the sea. The dawn broke on Thanksgiving of 2008. And, there were many shadows. We walked in the valley of the shadow of death. The spirit of death was upon our marriage. We lived upon the mountains of Bether. Even when we were together, we lived upon the mountains of Bether. Many marriages are the same. Many end with people falling off the cliffs rather than casting the mountain into the sea.

God said, “I will heal your marriage. But, it wil get darker before it gets light.” Before the dawn broke, the shadows grew.