Speak to the Earth

Genesis 1:11-12

We watched a dude preach on speaking to the earth. it is facinating. Moses did it. Things happened.

God spoke – His word is seed. There was no substance yet. The earth broght forth natural seed later.

We ahve authority to speak the word into the earth. Jesus.

The land hears the voice of the wicked becasue they understand this truth. We have to unlock the land.

God, what do I need to speak to the earth and this valley?

Genesis 1:26-27 We are 100% dirt

Jesus healed the blind guy by making mud.

Psalm 115:16

  1. receive us land
  2. release our businesses
  3. release our ministry
  4. release yourself of all wicked commands
  5. release bch into its fullness
  6. release fire and faith into its fullness
  7. release trout rpophets into its fullness
  8. release GRE to TP
  9. release my book into its fullness
  10. release the kids into their fullness
  11. release our grandkids into their fullnesss
  12. swallow our debt
  13. swallow our enemies
  14. vomit the blessing
  15. release my purpsoe