Spirit of Elijah | Jack Turns Back


See this post on things stolen. God is judging. http://www.journal.johnjstein.com/2018/04/13/list-of-things-stolen/

Jack called me tonight. We talked for a long time.

Towards the end, Jack tells me how much he loves me and repents of anger and a lot of other ill feelings he has had towards me. He was very remorseful and told me several times that he believed in me, which was the very thing I was talking to God about a few months ago.

God is amazing. He hears all that we say.

I completed a 1 day fast yesterday, at the direction of the LORD. This all was today.

Man, I dont know all that happened. But, Praise God!

I love that boy so much. I am so grateful that he is turning towards me.

Thank You, Father! Thank You, Jesus! Thank You, Holy Spirit!