Yesterday sucked. Work is no good. I dont know what to do. I dont know if BlueBox is my next gig or if something is “best” waiting for me. However, that is tomorrow. Today says that I have a job and need to work diligently at it. It’s so easy for us to enter into that which there is no grace for.
Alan Urech is going to be joining ESG. Ever since that day I saw him at the WIT meeting and he asked me “are you still working there?”, I knew that my days would be numbered once Chuck told me that he was joining the team. He has been wanting to redo sales since I first introduced them. Comp wasnt right – commissions were too high. We have a sales problem. Yea, no doubt. We arent selling a thing. God is in complete control of everything. I see some good lessons learned through my time there. I just dont know what in the world to think about all this and where it’s all headed.
It doesnt matter. One day at a time, says Jesus. Worry only about today. It has enough of its own stuff to contend with.