Teresa Phillips on 2012

This about sums up where I am. I love these words. C’mon God!

Theresa Phillips: A House of Bricks in 2012
by Theresa Phillips
Jan 4, 2012

As I waited before the Lord, I started thinking of the story of the three little pigs. Then I was reminded of the Biblical side of that story, and I began to shudder at the thought of anyone being lost!

Matthew 7:24-27 (NKJV) – “Build on the Rock” – Therefore whoever hears these sayings of Mine, and does them, I will liken him to a wise man who built his house on the rock: and the rain descended, the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house; and it did not fall, for it was founded on the rock.

But everyone who hears these sayings of Mine, and does not do them, will be like a foolish man who built his house on the sand: and the rain descended, the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house; and it fell. And great was its fall.

After I read these Scriptures, I felt a huge wind sweep past me. I looked into the wind and saw that there were sticks, stones, and straw in the wind. My first thought was, “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.” Then I realized words do hurt – more than anything. But I was instantly reminded that prophecy was to edify, strengthen, and comfort… and I felt a great relief.

So, I waited some more, and then our Lord began to speak to me, and I was in love with Him greater than before. He spoke to me, “Theresa, I am looking for a house made of bricks. Too many of my precious ones have built on another man’s foundation (see Romans 15:20), another’s revelation, another’s dream. I am going to change that. I am going to give churches and ministries, ministers and laymen alike, firm foundations that cannot be rattled by the news of the day! I will pour out a revelation that will change many! Revelation from MY throne room.”

I said, “Help us build up, Lord!”

“I am about to shift a Church vantage point. Yes, many will begin to observe as if they were looking from Heaven to Earth, and what will they see? They will see the strategies of man collide with the strategies of Heaven. These revelatory eyes will change the course of destiny. Yes, destiny! And through the vision many will become stronger. Those who often felt weak will be a tower of strength. They will become known as a house of bricks. A storehouse of gifts will be released! Spare parts of Faith, Grace, Honor, Time, Mercy, and Healing Miracles all will be released in 2012, all to help develop a strong base for those who are in their mandates of destiny.”

Prophecy for America’s Church

“2012: A year of drastic change. Mega changes. A new resurgence in soul-winning will emerge with great signs and wonders, miracles and revelation. These new faces will emerge as if they were made of iron (‘Iron sharpens iron,’ Proverbs 27:17). The vision they receive will not diminish in their walk; it will GROW.

“The Church has the POWER to shift a nation. This power will start to show itself in demonstrations. Across the nation people will be saying, ‘I will not give up Christ (the anointing)!’ Yes, the anointing will increase. There will be an increase in miracles of healings, deliverances and prosperity. These attributes of My presence will be strong – starting in March 2012.

“There will be a surge in manifesting a Kingdom mentality. This mentality will release many into ‘Acceptance versus Conformity.’ Many who have called for unity have actually called for conformity (compliant agreement), but it will stop. Many will say, ‘We need you.’ Go give what you have; let Me anoint it.

“I am releasing My whole hand to the Body, and many will walk beside one another as friends, allowing each member to be who I have destined them to be. Each part will become visible, and many will agree with a UNITY that allows each part to operate in its own directive.

“The Church will also emerge as a powerful influence in the ‘governmental’ structure – even shaking national policies. Do not be afraid. The Church will be courted by the politicians who wish to be elected; listen carefully, and vote. Yes, vote and make your voice count; it is your right.

“2012 is a duel governmental year. I will reign as King in the Church. Many will proclaim the Kingdom is at hand. As the government will shift leaders, there will be a temptation to follow suit. I say NO, stay the course (“Abide in [your] calling” 1 Corinthians 7:20). The two will clash; do not be dismayed, for I will give wisdom to conquer mindsets so that political leaders can coexist with spiritual leaders. I am raising up spiritual leaders that can be trusted with a fresh word in their mouths. Political leaders will call for the minister; get ready, it is an open invitation coming.

“2012 is a year of DIVINE government, yes, but it is also going to be a SEASON of change. As seasons change in the natural, so will they change in the spiritual. As leaders change in government, I will change leaders toward My Kingdom. Many will, for the first time, seek My Kingdom with passion.”

The Five Fold Ministry Will Arise

“The apostolic will emerge strong. The teacher will walk beside the apostle and become united. The government of kingship will visit many, and a royal priesthood will be called ‘the called out ones.’ Many will be stirred to preach, BUT remember always to do the work of an evangelist.”

2 Timothy 4:5 But you be watchful in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of an evangelist, fulfill your ministry.

“The local Church will begin to have classes in evangelism and the prophetic. Teachers and pastors will come forth with strength not seen in 100 years.”

The Dynamic Influence Across the World

“The struggles over Christianity will continue across the world, but there will be a major leader who will come forth, and a professed Christian; watch him. Remember, one is known by his fruit (see Matthew 7:20).

“I will send many new ‘missionaries’ across the world, especially in the Congo region, for there is a tribe of Jewish people waiting for a visitation, and I will visit them with a REVIVAL. Who will go for Us?

“I am going to start a Church in China, and it will grow and shift that nation. Who will pray for China?

“There will also be a surge of Christians versus Muslims in Great Britain. Pray for your brothers and sisters. Pray for the Queen of England and the Pope. Pray for those leaders. Lay aside your opinions and pray for MY KINGDOM TO COME, MY WILL BE DONE IN EUROPE. When you do pray, pray in love and with a heart of grace, for if you do, you will be able to pray more.

“I will call for weeks of prayer and fastings often in 2012, for I am changing the guard in two dimensions:

1. The Church will receive her King
2. The Governments of the nations will receive new leaderships. PRAY, PRAY, PRAY!

“Fast and pray, for there will be deliverance because you have done this. Some will come out of hardship overnight! A nation can turn overnight.”

Focus Toward Family Will Grow

1. The home front will become stronger. A house made of brick will withstand the trials by acceptance, not tolerance.

“The days of tolerance toward a false god will cease, and that hunger to have the Lord sit at the dinner table will be restored. This is My doing,” says the Lord. “I am after your loved ones to return.”

Luke 15:4 What man of you, having a hundred sheep, if he loses one of them, does not leave the ninety-nine in the wilderness, and go after the one which is lost until he finds it?

“I am going after the lost sheep of the house of God! And, when they return, let them stand. Their testimony will be a great strength to all in the house. Testimony will strengthen a house. Bricks will be a testimony.

“Some divorces will NOT TAKE PLACE. I will change some hearts of those I have joined together.

“A season of raising the dead… yes, the dead will live again. What you thought could never happen WILL! Are you really ready?”

2. The House of the Lord will become established in Kingdom power and glory and AUTHORITY.

“Worship will increase like a floodgate opened. Multitudes of people will fall on their face and humble themselves in repentance of hatred, laziness, causing divisions and stealing from one another.

“I will cause the Church to obtain means to help the poor greater than in previous years.

“I have heard the voice of the wilderness ones, and I will bring fresh water; thirsty people will have water (Holy Spirit). A fresh baptism will be released. With it will be GREAT SIGNS, WONDERS and GLORY.

“[Are you eager] for MY tangible presence in marvelous ways? Yes, what some have said is passé I will pour out in great measure, and you will laugh with sheer joy at My presence. It is written, ‘The glory of the latter house will be GREATER than the former.'”

Haggai 2:9 “The glory of this latter temple shall be greater than the former,” says the LORD of hosts. “And in this place I will give peace,” says the LORD of hosts.

“This is important, for it will be a strength and power to the Church. Let this glory come and reign, rain on My people. Divine glory is to be restored to the Body. Get ready to shine! Are you watching?

“Yes, I will have a house of brick; one that is unmoved, non-compromising, non-judgmental, supernatural, grateful, humbled and walking in the double portion of government – divine government and national government simultaneously, ears and eyes toward Heaven, feet swift to move the below.

“Open doors and divine contacts will be a common testimony for 2012. Who do you know?”

The room I was in became quite still. He had spoken to my heart. I sit in awe of that Presence.

Then I began to pray:

Dear Jesus, make us a strong nation of Believers, a powerful nation of doers, a compassionate nation of givers, a loving nation of forgivers! By grace, we will stand as a brick house! As ONE! In Jesus’ name I pray! Amen.

Theresa Phillips
Chicago Prophetic Voice
Email: info@ChicagoPropheticVoice.net

Theresa Phillips is the presiding Bishop of Praise Ministries. She recently formed The Encounter, a sub-ministry of PMI Glory Institute that reaches out to area churches to develop intimate relationships with Jesus. Theresa is dedicated to helping you encounter the living God and be filled with His never-ending glory. Pastor Theresa and her husband Robert have started an online publication called Chicago Prophetic Voice. This online publication is intended to help you see and hear the unseen and unheard realms of God as they are portrayed in the written Scriptures of the Holy Bible.

Theresa Phillips’ Itinerary:

Note: Events are subject to change at the ministry’s discretion. We suggest you always check first with the event contact listed here and/or directly visit their website for latest updates on each event.

January 5-8, 2012
Encounter the King’s Scepter
with Theresa Phillips, Brian Lake, Sharnael Wolverton and Julie Meyer
PMI Glory Institute
761 N. 17th St, Unit 1, Saint Charles, IL
Contact: 630-377-5355 or Register@ChicagoPropheticVoice.net

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