This came from John Perry, who got healed through a word of knowledge about his neck. It ultimately led to a Jewish lady coming to Christ.
Subject: Thank you for your prayer support and praise reports
Dear intercessors, Monday morning small group teammates, and Monday evening Small Group Teammates
“Executive Summary” of Praise Report from Texas Trip
A couple of weeks ago, I requested your prayer coverage during my 10-day trip to Texas (Houston, Austin and San Antonio). The main focus was the Kingdom Economic Summit for Global Transformation (I was to speak during the “Investing in Israel” session). In summary the whole experience was truly, truly amazing!! Bottom-line: this was probably the most heavily saturated period of several days with supernatural Holy Spirit orchestrated and choreographed encounters, connections and occurrences I’ve ever experienced … and which included dramatic healings, radical conversions (from non-believing Jewish to Christian), and many supernatural prophetic ‘words’
(Not surprisingly, there was also a 48-hour really bizarre strategic spiritual warfare attack as I return was finally arriving back in Jacksonville – a “below the belt” insidious attack by the evil one, which I can share personally with whomever is interested … A happy outcome, fortunately!! Again, your prayer coverage was most effective and appreciated!)
While the above “Executive Summary” Praise Report above represents the “30-second version”, for you who might be interested in a “3-minute version”, please see my summary below, which I emailed to Barb to share at last Monday’s intercessory prayer gathering with our dear intercessors.
In a message dated 4/27/2009 8:55:21 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time, JPerry0777 writes:
“As I am still in Texas, I wanted to send a quick and brief note for Barb to read to you, our dear prayer warriors this morning at your intercessory prayer session.
Thank you for your prayers. As you’ll see in a moment they obviously have been very, very powerful. Here are three quick praise reports.
1. Amazing supernatural things started happening immediately at this Kingdom Economic Summit in Austin,Texas. Within literally the first 15-seconds of walking into the building and room where the registration for the Summit was taking place on Wednesday afternoon, right after our great meeting with my friends Kevin, Arnie and John from Wassila, Alaska, over the couple of hours before registration started, I was drawn immediately to a lady standing against the wall inside the room. Her name was Donna McNeil. We both smiled and I could tell by Donna’s name tag that she was on staff for the conference and the first question she asked was, naturally, where was I from. I said Jacksonville, Florida and she said “oh yes, Duncan U.Fletcher High School”. I said, yes, that high school is just a few short blocks from our church at Jacksonville Beach. She then said that her pastor was just at the Ed Silvoso conference in Jacksonville last week, – I hope Deborah and Debbie are there in intercessory prayer to hear this –
Donna then mentioned again both Ed Silvoso and George Otis Jr. the two main ministry names involved in transformation.
So, that’s the way the meeting went in the first 60 seconds or so.
2. On Thursday morning, just before the first morning session of the Kingdom Economic Summit, I connected with a young gentleman, John Stein, who was behind a table selling some books right outside of the main conference room. I saw the Ed Silvoso “Transformation” book sitting on the table and came over to chat with John Stein. Very soon, John asked if I was having trouble with, or a pain in, my neck and if I wanted prayer. I recognized that John was a prophetic intercessor with a gift of healing – there were a great many prophetic intercessors at this conference. He prayed for my neck and gave me several prophetic words (very on-target!). Long story short, when I then left John Stein and went into the general session, I just knew that I had to introduce Anita Walker to him. Anita and Bill Walker, together with Rev. Steve and Ginger Hall were the only other people fromJacksonville at this conference in Texas.
Anita has not been able to speak above a whisper over the past 3 years because of severe spasmodic dysphonia, severely affecting her vocal chords. It has been so severe, that I have not been able to understand hardly anything she says. As it turned out Anita and Bill came and sat down right behind me in the first general session meeting in the big auditorium. After the session was over, I told Anita I had someone I wanted to introduce her to. I escorted here immediately to meet John Stein and then left the two of them. (More to come on this in a moment …)
3. My talk on Thursday afternoon during the “Investing inIsrael” session went very well. I connected before and after my talk with a lady name “Roz” who is planning to move very soon to Israel with her husband. She was one of the very few Jewish people (non-Chrisians) among the many hundreds attending this conference – the attendees were all very strong Christians. After the “Investing inIsrael” session Roz and I re-connected and moved to another area of the campus. While Roz and I were sitting and talking about Israel, including her potentially investing in M-EDG, and after talking together about 20 minutes or so, up comes Anita … TALKING NOT ONLY NORMALLY BUT QUITE LOUDLY. She was soooooo excited and said that she had called all her family and told them that she had just been healed that morning by the Holy Spirit through John Stein, of course. I explained to Roz the background around what had happened and what she had just witnessed, and Roz and I proceeded to get even deeper in our discussions over the next 20 minutes or so.
4. The next morning I was talking with Dr. Bruce Cook who is in charge of the conference and with whom we have a formal business agreement – which was about the first talk we had been able to have – when up comes Roz. Bruce and Roz embraced very strongly and with a great deal of emotion and up comes a photographer named Max out of nowhere and takes their picture. I was wondering what in the world was happening, when I soon was told that apparently right after Roz and I had talked the previous afternoon when Anita came up with her voice healed and back to normal after 3 years – apparently right after that happened with Roz and Anita and me, Max connects with Roz and leads her to Christ. A Jew accepting Jesus as Lord and Savior doesn’t happen every day, so this was big news, indeed, at this Summit.
I was blessed in getting to see this supernatural sequence of occurrences. I could write for several hours about many other “divine convergences” that I experienced and was a part of at this amazing Kingdom Economic Summit. But I’ll close and send this to Barb to read to you, our dear prayer warriors this morning with my thanks and love. I am also copying Rev Steve Hall for him to pass along to Anita and Bill, and also to Dr. Bruce Cook as a testimony of just the tip of the iceberg of what occurred at his KEYSummit, and to my dear friends from Wasilla Alaska Kevin and Arnie to pass along also to John and Kristine.
Blessings, all!!
… John
John Perry
cell: (904) 477-1130
office/home: (904) 285-2755
105 Ocean’s Edge Drive
Ponte Vedra Beach, FL 32082