Many are at the cusp of seeing such monumental change take place in their lives, that it is prodigious in size. The magnitude is beyond what you can comprehend, that is the enormity of it. You have waited a very long time for this season, this moment, and this appointed time. What you must do now is push through and birth, it is imperative and relies heavily upon what you are about to step into. It may seem that this is the hardest birthing yet, but the Lord is calling your name forth in this season. For your time to be elevated and receive all that He has promised you has arrived. I heard the Lord say, “This long awaited fulfillment of promise is closing in on you, and it will be all that I said that it would be. I will exceed, surpass, and multiply all that was stolen as I restore and fulfill, with the fullness of the power of my spoken word. You will see the manifestation of how my word never fails. That I am the promise keeper. I the Lord am doing only what I and my word can do. I’m invading your life with my word, my power, and my glory. You will know and see that I alone can change the most barren desolate places of your life. I bring life to the void. I am fulfilling and bringing things together suddenly, as my word has gone forth and doing that which I sent it to do over all areas of your life. No area of your life that I the Lord am bringing change too will be left untouched. My glory will be seen in, over, and through life as I bring complete fulfillment.” |
I dreamed yesterday am of going down a road or stream. We came to a fork to the left. A white van was driving back out it because he couldnt make it all the way through. But, he cleared some pathway for us. We had two row boats. The canyon was a single lane and had tons of snow over the top of the water, but there was a gap that you could fit through. The water was ice so the boats just slid along. But, we had to lay down because there was no ceiling. I could see sunlight shining down on the other side of the snow tunnel. I knew if I turned so taht my head was at the front of the boat, I would be in position to climb up head first as soon as we got to the opening.
The entire thing made me think of what it is like to be born.