The Feast

Psalm 23:5

5You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies;
You have anointed my head with oil;
My cup overflows.


In the presence of my enemies is my feast being prepared.

I see a long table like you might find in a castle. It is full of all kinds of food – and lots of meat. It al looks so wonderful. Steam rises up into the air. The smell of the perfectly prepared food is all around.

And, sitting in the chairs around the table are all of the spirits that I war against. God has them sitting right in front of me as I devour the massive feast set before me.

I love meat. There is so much. The enemy can do nothing.

What’s to come:

God does the work right in front of our enemies. I shall get the maturity, and it shall be a deep maturity with lots of meat. His Spirit shall be poured out in a mighty way with full measure. He shall overflow and spill out from me.