The last day

The last day found us shopping and doing a little sight seeing. Everyone was tired.

I worked with Abbey to deliver her from generational witchcraft. It seems that Jaryl had his own soul tie to Abbey most of the trip. Jaryl has a big witchcraft thing going. We started the process of breaking off Jezebel. It was cool, and we had breakthrough.

I made a couple of movies of the trip that turned out pretty good.

The plane ride home was crazy. Selene and I went to work and healed several. We prayed for the flight attendants, for a pastor and even a prophet. She came up to me and said, “The LORD told me to get prayer from you.” As it turned out, she was missing her pericardium. So, I prayed and saw Jesus zipping a sleeping bag up around her heart. She was on fire for a while. Way, way cool.

I think six folks got healed. Even Joy and Bill went to work on the plane. There was fire all around.

The LORD is so good.