The Spirit of the LORD is Upon Me

“The Spirit of the LORD has come upon you to deliver the captives from bondage. Set them free.

No weapon formed against you shall prosper. Only move out in love. I will be with you.

I am the LORD God. Take My word in your mouth everywhere you go. The oil of My presence provides all that you need. Fear not.

The valley is yours. The valley is Mine! I give it to you to take. Take it!!! Bring My Kingdom to earth. For I love My people in the valley.

I have laid upon you the mantle of fire. I baptize in fire and the Holy Spirit. You have both but will have more. The fire of My presence you take everywhere you go. People will know that you carry My presence. Hearts will be convicted and turn.

A great wave of My Spirit shall flow into the valley. Rivers of life shall sprout up everywhere. Tend to them. Healing waters are the fruit of your efforts. Love provides the fuel. Walk in My love, and you will never run out of gas. 

Abide in Me. For I am here.”