Here is a summation of what’s up. The LORD is moving. I need courage to speak out the truth to Laura.
So that you have all the information that is currently available, here is what I see.
I ask that you take it to the LORD before you discuss with me. I did not meet with John tonight.
For a while now, there has been a stirring in my spirit that I would not be doing a “9-5” job, as you know it. I believe that the LORD has a different plan for me. However, I am quite willing to walk it out and let Him arrange events. I dont believe that what you consider ministry is the same as me. God is doing a very different thing in the world right now, and I know that WE are called into it. We have been in this fire for a reason. He has been preparing us, and we are not called to live the “normal” Christian life, as the world would define it. I do not know exactly what it is that He wants us to do, but I do know that it is unfolding. I know that John and Kristine (his wife) have something to do with it, and it is big.
Richard came into my office on the Tuesday before I got laid off. He said that I wasnt supposed to be there and that I was to be heading back to Atlanta. He got the word 6 weeks prior to my lay off, which was about the time that the oppression started. I felt in my spirit that I was leaving the company weeks before it happened. I never really had a lot of confidence in his prophetic, so I kinda discarded it. But, he had a dream that tuesday and said that he saw me dismantling the cubicles. I asked what that meant, and he said that i was tearing down what I had built.
That night, the LORD told me that Charles had a word for me. So, I emailed him. I told him what the LORD said, but I didnt get a response. The next afternoon, when I came back from a meeting, I knew that I no longer had a job. A few minutes later, Evan called me in and laid me off.
After that, I called Charles and eventually got him. He said that he didnt have a direct word, but i should come down to this summit. I asked God to confirm it, and he did with a license plate and with the 3-1-1 thing on the website. I knew that I was to go and to pack up.
I had no idea what God wanted. I was wondering if it had to do with Charles’ ministry of working with CEO’s of companies. I do not sense that that is the direction that the LORD wants. I think that He was using Charles to get me here in a cost-effective manner and to give me a platform for His light to shine on me. I have walked in a grace that I have never seen before. Its uncanny.
A lady that works that this church got healing from me. She also was prophesied over by me and Charles before the whole event started. She came to me yesterday and said that she knew of my divine appointment. I had told her this story. I asked what she knew, but she didnt tell me. Last night, she took me to a man and a woman. He started asking me how I ended up here, and I asked him who he was. We got to the point where he told me that he was John Ritrivado, and I knew exactly who he was. He also told me that God told him that I was going to be here and that he was to come here. He knew that the LORD has a meeting for us, but he didnt know why or that I was out of work.
So, we talked for about 20 minutes. He asked me what I felt was going on and what i wanted to do. I told him that I wasnt sure what the LORD had in mind but my heart was not for going back to doing what I have been doing. We have been trying to sit down and talk and go through things, but its chaos here. They leave on Monday, so I expect that we will get a real chance to talk on Sunday. But, we see the LORD’s hand in all of this, so we are excited about trying to meet sooner, if possible.
He does some serious work like charles but with heads of countries, ceo’s of big companies and small companies and other stuff that is moving the kingdom forward at a high level. I dont know how they make money or much else. I aim to find that out. And, I do believe that the LORD is connecting us to do something together. I think that John sees that too. Stephene got it prophetically as well, and she didnt know that we knew each other. Something is up with John. I dont know exactly what. My guess is that we will be doing something together. But, that could be wrong. And, until we meet, I wont know for certain. And, because of that, I really have been cryptic, which certainly comes across deceptive. But, I didnt know john was coming here. I have spoken to him in a year. I had given up on knowing him.
So, I can tell you that God is in motion. And, I believe that he has something going on with John and Kristine. I dont know if it involves us moving to Redding, which is where they are or some other place. I dont know if it involves working with them. Or, could it involve living here in Austin. I have no clue. We could end up in ATL for a while.
Those questions will be answered quickly.
I do know that God has a place for us. It is coming very soon. He is going to set us down and bring us together. You will have your nest.
It probably wont be the way that you described it today, and that has made me fearful of telling you the truth of what I am seeing God doing. But, He told me not to be afraid. So, I am not going to be afraid. I will communicate to you exactly what I see and know. I again ask that you just take it to the LORD.
That is everything to date that I can think of.
I love you.