Time to Change

As 2025 approaches, it is more than clear that I need to change.

I walk in a place of negativity. My spiritual walk is not nearly what it used to be. I miss God.

We drink most every night. I like wine.

I am not waking up in the wee hours of the day to be with the LORD. I seem to be mad at everyone and everything. I do not enujoy work.

I surely do hope that God is indeed able. Jude.

I surely do hope He is the author and perfector of my faith.

I surely do hope what He began, He will complete.

My ministry is for great signs. That is the latest word I have from Him. I so desire that.

And, I desire His presence more than anything.

So, I am going to fast for 40 days starting 1/2. I am a bit hesitant in making vows to the LORD cause I just seem to fail at it.

So, I need grace. I need Him to empower me. I need Him to show up. I just need Him.

Hoping to be refilled with His Spirit so that I can walk like I really want to and should.

God, help.