April FOOLS!It’s been 5 years. Wow! It’s been an amazing 5 years. I dont think that I could write down everything that has happened. I pray God that all the stories and everything are wrapped up and put together in such a way in my journals and this blog that when You say, it will bring a great triumph for Your name.I meet with Jerry Cantrell today for breakfast. Something is up. Jerry has a doc appointment today. Jesus is going to heal that man, and the doctor is going to tell Jerry that he is just fine and that there is nothing for him to do.Also, I am going to email Johnny and Elizabeth. I have been asking the LORD about going shopping with them. I knew that I got it the other day running – Saturday, I believe. I asked Elizabeth if they had been contending or praying for some personal item, and she says yes. Of course she does. Ha! O LORD, I have not the money to do this. I believe it to be Your will to bless them and use me, so I will go shopping with them. I believe You to put the money in the bank when it is time. Thank You, Jesus.