Todd Bentley on March 8 – April 8

This word just rocks. Jordan’s birthday is March 8, and the LORD gave us Isaiah 43:9 at the beginning of the year.

Very cool.

Todd Bentley: Prophetic Word: “A New Thing! March 8 – April 8”

This is a Prophetic word I believe will greatly encourage you and release you into NEW things in this season of NEW beginnings. Please be in prayer and encourage others with this promise.

Many weeks ago, the Holy Spirit told me to watch the dates “March 8 to April 8.” He was speaking to me about how beginning with March 8, there was a new season of revival and fruitfulness for the Church. That this would be a new time of fresh visitation. Of course, at the time that I heard the Lord speak to me about this, I did not realize that March 8 would be the first day of “spring forward”.

Beginning March 8, everything LEAPS FORWARD or springs forth with a new acceleration. I realized March 8 and April 8 are double 8’s that speak of a double portion of new beginnings! Everything about this season is the double double.

Another significant event about this time was that my wife, Jessa, and two others we know had dreams about March 8 being a “birthday” or “birth day”. We understood this as March 8 would be the day of a new birthing. The Holy Spirit highlighted to us that this is the 3rd month and 8th day, which added together is the number 11. This number is significant because in Scripture the number 11 represents “prophecy and revelation, or prophecy fulfilled.”

For me the number 11 is a strategic number the Lord gives me to remind me about the double portion. When I see the numbers 11:11, I know the Lord is speaking to me about the double 11, which is Isaiah 22:22. This is a promise of authority to open and close doors and to bind and loose His Kingdom. We know that 2015 is a season of walking through the double doors, and I believe that this season begins March 8!

I spoke with Doug Addison about the word I had about March 8, and he shared with me the following message:

“Hey, I released a word last month about March 8. When we set the clocks forward things are going to accelerate and it is on March 8. This is a major turnaround time and yes it is my birthday, both spiritual and natural. On 3-8-88, I came out of the occult. When I saw that I said, ‘There it is again, the Double 8.’ The word I released was that on March 8 there is going to be a breaking away of all that is happened since 2008. (That is a seven year cycle of completion in your life.) It is a new season of wisdom and revelation and a slingshot of repayment is here.” –Doug Addison

Having heard Doug Addison share his heart, it further confirmed that March 8th would be the beginning of many breakthroughs and acceleration for the Body of Christ.

These are the Scriptures the Lord gave me to declare over us so we can enter into the new season of acceleration and breakthrough:

“Stop dwelling on past events and brooding over times gone by. Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall you not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert.” Isaiah 43:18-19

“See, the former things have taken place, and new things I declare; before they spring into being I announce them to you.” Isaiah 42:9

This is exciting as the Lord is promising something that has not before occurred, some unheard of and wonderful events, that shall far surpass all that He had formerly done. It will be SPRING FORTH, which means in this time it shall spring up as the grass does from the earth; or it shall bud forth like the opening leaves and flowers as a new time of fruitfulness. God is also saying that every seed will spring forth as a germinating herb: a beautiful image of the silent but certain gradual growth of every seed planted that is about to blossom.