
The fast ends tomorrow. I can honestly say that I havent done so poorly in a fast ever – that I can recall.

I think I fell twice. I took a half time, and I had pizza with Jack at day 3.

Well, I believe the LORD told me to eat pizza on day 3.

Anyway, all this to say that I see transition happening. RockPile is out. They are getting colder by the day. I am fighting fear a little on provision. Why is that the case when the LORD has provided every time? What is in us that makes us go there?

In the last couple of days, I have sensed His desire for us to thank and praise Him. He will invade our circumstances when that happens.

I look back to June 21, and I see that He gave me the dream on RockPile ending. I had another dream last night that an old cowboy was going to shoot me. I believe that this is North Dakota Cowboy Hall of Fame, who has a proposal from me. It is going to be shot dead because of lack of vision, which is what my dream indicated.

So, God is starting to tell me the future. This is really cool.

I went to Rich Harris’ training last night. It was great. I am seeing and hearing again. Man, I was getting prophetic stuff for all kinds of folks. Very accurate. Yea!

I dont know all how our money will work out, but I do know that the LORD will provide. I am wrestling with a new level here. We have our budget in motion that is at a level we havent been at before. So, the question is, will the LORD provide at this new level or do we have to retract our spending. I am going to move forward like He has put us here and will keep us here.

I love Rich Harris. This truly is an Elijah/Elisha relationship. God has brought a man into my life who can help navigate me to a new level. I also believe that Rich is the profit of Denver. He has all of the authority here, and he is going to pass that mantle along to me. He may operate in a tiny church and all, but he is the man here. I just feel that fathering thing brewing up in him. I look forward to what God has between us.

We meet every Thursday.

I also meet with Demetrius on Friday = with Laura.

I dont know if the LORD wants him involved in our stuff. I am asking. I am also asking how much money He wants to fund Nehemiah Ventures with. And, I am starting to think that elevate29 Holdings is part of the non-Stein family of companies. I could be wrong there.

Life is challenging, but God is faithful. He is able. And, He is willing.

So, I bless my God. I thank You, Father – that I can trust You. I praise You to the world. May they all know who You are.