I feel some kind of agitation myself. I want so much more of God. I want more of Him and His Spirit poured out on me. Power and fire are my feast. I ask for increase in everything that He has given me. I need more time with Him. It is so important to be in His presence. I want to feel Him near me. I need encounters with Him. I want to hear His voice. O, LORD, hide not from me now.
Distraction tries to rise against me. I am fighting it back down and working on discipline.
I still feel in my spirit that I need to call out words of knowledge in public. I will do it! I can do it! I can do all things through Christ who gives strength. I will do it!
Laura hasnt filed. I get the sense that maybe she doesnt really want to. She must be having a crisis over this. I pray God that her heart be changed and that a major encounter with You, Jesus be had. Come down on her like a ton of love bricks.
It is amazing how the kids (Jack is the one I asked) have already stopped reading their bibles again. They go home, and they lose that aspect of life. It would seem that they need my influence.
Things are still a bit crazy at work. We have stirred up some things for certain. The prayer rooms are going to move forward. I see why God made His presence so strong that day that I walked in the rooms with Evan when they were finishing the buildout. He is there with us. He wants us to know that.
Way cool stuff.
So, I want/need to enter back into His rest. LORD, hide me under Your wings.