Victory over Boulder Valley

I see tanks going up and back down the mountains overlooking Boulder. I hear the Spirit say, “these are My angels. They have been sent to war and for your assistance.”

There are demons being trampled under the treads of the tanks. Without firing a shot, the demons flee. They scatter over the hills and mountains and out into the countryside.

There are walls being built around Boulder Valley – huge brick walls in the Spirit. This is My Zion in America. I shall operate from here. I can peer to the right and to the left and see both sides. From here, I can work to pull America back to center – back to Me. She has fallen too far to the right and too far to the left. She is double-minded and without purpose – the purpose that I gave her.”

There are tornadoes dancing upon the mountaintops. The Spirit moves as He desires. Non one knows from which direction He comes or to which direction He goes.

I feel a spirit of worship coming upon the valley. A new song is being placed in the mouths of the children of God.

The spirit of prophecy is being poured out upon the land. Dreams and visions are increasing and accelerating. Divine instructions are given tot he eagles which soar overhead.

I see the dead coming out of their graves. Life is coming back to those who were once but are no more. Breath fills their lungs.

I see golden compasses being given to the lost. Each points the way of the LORD. No one is without purpose. Each finds his place in the Kingdom along side the King. “All of these are present. I have not lost one”.

I hear the trumpets blow over the region. Victory is the song. Shouts of joy and dances of peace are everywhere.