Vision Sheet Blowing on a Clothes Line

I see a white sheet blowing on a clothes line in the wind. It is picked up and carried away.

I see a waterfall, and the sheet covers it completely. But, you can still hear the waterfall.

I see a spike come up from the ground. It splits the earth. And, I see a question mark on one side and an exclamation point on the other.

Rain falls on the exclamation point. The questionmark is hot, arid, dry.

And, under the waterfall is a corrale. Its pasture is lush. Quiet peace rules.

We are coming to the valley of decision. There are eagles nesting in cliffs above. Watching

It falls into the depths as the ground gives way. There is less and less ground as it falls in.

People become frightened as the resources diminish. There is only so much room to stand.

The question remains as to whether the people on the 1 side can build a bridge quick enough to reach those on the other side. Time is ticking.

But, if the people on the exclamation point side pull together and work as one, much can happen.

They need to use the sheet. It is big enough to cover the gap. Ask for the sheet.