This stuff with Jordan is out of control. But, God!
Now, I know why He told me to “rest”. I found a needle and lip rings in the Pathfinder. Jordan has been piercing her lip again. There are many lies that she is giving us. Trust has been violated. I am ready to take it all from her. Laura has a word from God that probably contradicts that mindset.
We are at war with rebellion, which is witchcraft and Jezebel. Man, I am tired of this.
We have her computer out of her room. Electronics go off at 10pm. I plan on taking her driver’s license away, and she can ride the bus for the rest of the school year. Diligence in discipline is what is needed. God brings about thorough discipline to correct behavior.
God will prove victorious in this. I know that He will.
I am studying how Jesus was betrayed by Judas. He called him friend. Jordan doesnt feel like friend, but that is the right approach.