The LORD showed me the side view of a water wheel. Living water flows over the wheel and makes it turn. There is a constant pace to the wheel’s turning. Steady.
This pace is sustainable, says the LORD. It took a while to get the wheel in proper position to receive the stream of water that I pour forth.
But, once in place, it can handle never-ending flow. You are now ready to handle the flow of My Spirit in a never-ending manner.
Look at the spokes. They appear to be turning much slower than when viewed from the front. Be sure to see your situations from all sides and look to Me as the Source. As I flow over you and through you, pace will always be sustainable, no matter what it looks like to you.
This is abiding in Me.
Know also that my life is Spirit. It is given to you freely and fully. It provides your power to keep going.
As you turn or go, you provide power to others. This power gives life. It is My river of life. It is My circle of dependency. This is the Body.
This is life.
This is Love.
You are life.
You are in Me and Me in you and therefore, love.