Jordan is challenging. Our relationship seems to be better, but she is getting her way in everything. That’s why it is good – for her. But, I feel it to be codependent. She is being rebellious. She wont do anything around the house. She comes and goes as she desires, and last night, she had her computer in her room until midnight. This is a topic that we have discussed over and over. Well, enough.
God said to turn the ladies over to Him. I dont know all that that looks like. I dont want to swing the pendulum back to doing nothing when He wants me to do something.
I want to just take the computer away until she leaves the house. She doesnt honor us at all.
Also, I am thinking of selling my car and the pathfinder and getting a newer car for me. Or, just selling my car. Not sure which is best. God said simplify. That keeps coming up. Three cars is not simple.