I see another bulldozer attack. It is a Caterpillar plow and is in Jerusalem. August 14th is the date.
I see Kevin’s church crumbling down. It starts at the top and works its way down. Soon, there will be no one left. Stubbornness and pride are the reasons. Pride always occurs before a fall, and this fall will be great.
I see Steve Villineuva falling like a Cedar of Lebanon after being cut down by mighty angels of the LORD. A great sound is heard all around as he falls amongst the other trees that still stand. Pride.
I see the wolves over Boulder. Both of them are up and pacing back and forth. They feel the heat and are quite agitated. They pant out of nervousness. They know that He is coming. I also see fire coming up from the mountains behind them. The fire comes from the west towards the east and many acres will burn. This is a sign that the Spirit of God is being poured out upon the land.
“I will baptize you with fire and the Holy Spirit.”