
A lady on facebook sent this to me. It is awesome.

I pray for you, that His Light outshines the darkness (all around you), for His Mercy endures forever, and that God grants greater focus on the Answer than any problem; that He sets your face as flint (Isaiah 50:7), and awakens you to hear as the learned.  I pray God meets your enemies at the gates, securing all aspects blessing and safety.  That God confuses, confounds, and scatters, your enemies (even turning them on themselves); and sends all curses and projections back where they’ve come from.  I pray the Mighty God Israel activate His Way, His Truth, and His Life, by His Holy Spirit power for your needs and His plan.  That your governing finances are placed on His shoulders (Isaiah 9:6); and The Blood Covenant of the Lamb, and His Salt Covenant, is active for you.  I thank God for His Love for you and His faithfulness to complete what He began in you (and yours)!   Let the Finger of God defeat every evil work concerning you (and yours) through His anointed Word that breaks every yoke of bondage, for the Truth to set free – in Jesus’ name. 

In this dark hour of “Pestilence walking through countries (internationally, Psalm 91:6),” I pray He delivers you from the curse of the Law (poverty, sickness, and disease, and He magnifies His eternal Love to you, so that you can taste and see how miraculously good God is; and that you are able to rest on His so unfailing, everlasting, loving Arms.  Amen