Word for Andy Stanley

Now is the time! The time is now. You have asked and you have sought out. The wind of My Spirit has given you lift to do a new thing, and the moment is now. Move in confidence that heaven backs you.

Son, you are exposed. Pray for cover. Make certain that no Achans are in your midst for your covering is thin. The LORD shall rise up a new group of intercessors – a new ground covering. For there is a new foundation that needs to be laid. There are those who walk deeply in the Spirit who shall watch over you as a mother hen watches her chicks. They shall see, and they shall tell. Thwart the plans for a storm rises from the East. A crashing wave of destruction. Pray for cover, but dont run for it. Fear not and retreat not. Simply speak to the storm, and it shall be calm. Let those that I bring to you guard the door and bar the windows. Certainly, your enemy will come in one way and flee seven ways. There are watchmen, and they will blow the trumpet.

The Eastern Bloc is yours. Romania, Slovakia, Belarus and Scandinavia. You have asked for the nations, and they are yours. Your face will soon be seen over the airwaves, even on the television. For a new anointing is coming upon you. A new breath from My Spirit shall be upon you. Mighty miracles and signs and wonders will follow.

The guard is changing. There are generals rising up. Position those that I anoint. Make certain that it is Me who chooses them and not man. It is not a popularity contest. I already know who I want. Listen to My voice. Listen to my word. For, it shall never return to Me void.

The roller coaster has been fast. It has been with many dips and peaks. You have come a long way in a short order. Some days, it feels as though time hardly moves, but when you look up, you see that another year has past. You have not despised the small things, and you have done well with more. But, increase is coming upon you in a mighty way. Promotion is yours. Promotion is yours. Your season shall be one of wisdom. Your banner is wisdom. Son, your banner is wisdom. You shall soon raise up rather than walk out. The shift is already happening in the spirit. Yes, the winds of change are upon you.

Give my children the wisdom that I bestow upon you. Fear of the LORD; it truly is the beginning of wisdom. Do not quench the spirit or its move. A new line of thinking is coming. A new light arises. My Spirit shall start to move in a new way, for no one knows where the wind comes or where it goes. There is a time for every season.

My glory shall soon be upon you. And, My government shall increase with no end.

Bless the LORD Jesus.