Word for Laura

Your eyes shine with the brilliance of heaven. The LORD has made you an oasis of His love. You are an island in the middle of the ocean that brings safety and rescue to those lost and drifitng on the stormy seas of life.

The authority that you walk in is beyond your imagination. The LORD is bringing you into revelation of that authority. You will continue to see people that need His love and be the vessel. You will find Him pouring Himself into others through you in amazing ways. Your identity in Christ is alive and growing every day. Everything that the enemy has tried to rob you is being returned and then some. Abundance and prosperity have replace lack and poverty.

Your right arm and shield are rooted in the faith that He has placed in you. Your encounters with Him are accelerating. Things that you might have thought impossible or not of God will quickly come into view as directly from the throne. Your dreams will increase. Visitation is upon you.

The flower of your youth is being returned to you.

The inheritance that was robbed is now upon you.

Nothing that the enemy has devoured will remain with him. Nothing that has been robbed stays as his plunder. It all belongs to you plus sevenfold. What he has killed, the LORD brings back to life.

Life, love and happiness is yours. Your beauty indeed shines. You will now know love and joy beyond what you thought was possible. The prayers have filled the bowls, and they are being poured out upon you.

You radiate.
You shine.
You are brilliant.
Your face is to gaze upon.
Jesus is your everything.
Your Father calls you daughter.

Life to you. Life! And, life to the full.

It is time to walk in His glory. Arise, shine! For, your light has come.

Bless God