Jason Hooper: You “May!” – A Month of Permission Granted
by Jason Hooper
May 8, 2014
From the desk of Steve Shultz:
This is a “Wow word” for this month of May by Jason Hooper. Many of you have been waiting and waiting for the new doors to open.
Just read this by Jason: In the month of May, we are going to begin to see new growth spring forth in what was previously considered “hard places” as doors connected to the ways of man begin to be shut and new doors that are connected and hinged upon the ways of God begin to be opened.
There is so much prophetic revelation in Jason Hooper’s word…be greatly blessed and encouraged…and make sure to share it with others.
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Jason Hooper: You “May!” – A Month of Permission Granted
Permission Granted
The Lord recently spoke to me that this month of May, 2014, holds a very special place in the time line of God and in the lives of those who are desiring to walk in a greater union with Him and the communion of His Spirit in these days. The month of May, for many, is a pre-appointed time of permission being granted and access being given in areas where many feel like they have found themselves between a rock and a hard place, in what some have considered a “holding pattern.”
In the month of May, we are going to begin to see new growth spring forth in what was previously considered “hard places” as doors connected to the ways of man begin to be shut and new doors that are connected and hinged upon the ways of God begin to be opened.
The humble He guides in justice, and the humble He teaches His way. Psalm 25:9
Humility Is A Key
Prophetically walking through “new doors” often requires us to lay aside and unload some things that we have carried in times past – right, wrong or indifferent. Holding onto these often good things of our past will actually limit our ability to step into the new things God has prepared for you in this season.
In regards to this transition, it is helpful to recognize and fully appreciate that not only has God prepared new pathways and permissions for us in this season, but He has also been preparing us for these new pathways and the necessary permissions to proceed in these new directions.
These new pathways are a place of promotion that God has prepared for this new season. Holding onto various things connected with our past season, in our own understanding, not only becomes burdensome but they can also potentially grant an illegal access to the enemies of our past, as we are unable to enter into the promise of our future.
These burdens oftentimes begin as good things for us in one season but in the next season are met with anxiety, pride, and worry as we look to hold onto these cares in our own strength. At times it is the holding onto the good things of what’s been that keeps us from being able to receive the new that God wants to bring us into in this season.
It is often in our letting go that we are then able to lay hold. We see this truth in 1 Peter 5:6-8:
“Therefore humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you in due time, casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you. Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour.”
Notice in verse 8 it does not say that the devil is seeking whom he can devour. It says that he is seeking whom he may devour. While “can” identifies ability, “may” has to do with permission that has been granted by choice.
While no one would purposely choose to grant the enemy access to devour the very areas of our lives that the Lord is looking to cultivate, the truth is that, unbeknownst to many, they are doing just that. However, the Lord is releasing revelation in the month of May that will bring repentance – repentance (seeing certain things by revelation that you didn’t see before, and thinking differently as a result) that brings revival, revival that brings restoration, and restoration that brings awakening.
Justice In Favor Of The Saints
In our recent “Winds of Change” gathering, the Lord highlighted to us that we have stepped into a new season of the justice and favor of God, as He is in this season revealing Himself as the “Just Judge” (see Luke 18:1-8). The “Winds of Change” are truly beginning to blow in this area.
The question is: Will He find faith on the earth to believe and rejoice in the hope of what He has promised to do in your life? There is a fresh release coming in May of the joy of the Lord and the needed strength to “build again” in these days. This strength is coming in the joy of the Lord through an impartation of understanding that is being granted to those who make the choice to rejoice and “believe again” (see Nehemiah 8:8-10).
…yet believing, you rejoice with joy inexpressible and full of glory, receiving the end of your faith… 1 Peter 1:8b-9a
For many, in the areas that you have faced previous winds of adversity and opposition, there is a significant change and shift coming – and for some it has already come. With this change, you will find that in the area of your past opposition God was actually allowing you to become rooted and grounded in love in a new way that has positioned you to flourish as a tree planted by His river in this new season (see Ephesians 3:14-20 and Psalm 1:1-3).
With the release of these favorable judgments of God’s justice on behalf of His elect, there are also new apostolic and prophetic alignments that are beginning to form, causing a fresh release of angelic assistance and divine recompense to be granted to those who have been faithful to “watch and see” and “write and steward” while believing and rejoicing in the vision that God had previously entrusted to them “for such a time as this” (see Habakkuk 2:1-3 and Esther 4:14).
I was watching; and the same horn was making war against the saints, and prevailing against them, until the Ancient of Days came, and a judgment was made in favor of the saints of the Most High, and the time came for the saints to possess the Kingdom. Daniel 7:21-22
Dreaming With God
Part of being a prophetic people often means that, in most cases, we are seeing, hearing, and therefore living ahead of our time. For some this can create frustration; for others it unlocks within them a door of divine destiny that causes them to begin to dream in their current season of preparation in a way where they prophetically begin to reach forward in faith to those things which are ahead, as they press in and press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God on their lives, found in the revelation of Jesus Christ (see Philippians 3:13-14).
Dreaming with God in this way releases a fresh resolve and conviction of faith to flourish in the hearts of God’s children, where they begin to believe for, resurrect, and re-present previous petitions connected with past promises before the courts of Heaven. Personal prayer lives are about to take on a new posture – a posture of praise that unlocks the fulfillment of the very thing that you have been praying into and for.
“Black Friday”
Throughout the latter part of April, I have been seeing over and over again a reoccurring vision of what looks like television footage of the hours leading up to a typical “Black Friday” store opening. In this vision, as a multitude of people, representing the Harvest, were being held back in anticipation of an appointed time, the shelves of large department stores and specialty shops were being stocked by angelic messengers with “new models” of the latest technology; “new displays” were being set up so as to create appropriate lanes of traffic within the store so shoppers would be able to quickly, easily, and effortlessly find what they were looking for. (Photo via ooshirts)
In the vision, these department stores were aligned end-to-end, like that of an outdoor outlet mall, where the sum of all the stores creates a greater opportunity and larger draw than any one store itself could. This, of course, speaks to how the Lord is presently breathing and writing on unity and our willingness to come together with what each member brings to the Body as a whole, while also keeping our personal focus and attention on the area of our God-given expertise and giftings.
Outlets speak of both a place to “plug in” and receive power and an opportunity to release what we have been given. These department stores and specialty shops speak of the apostolic storehouses that we are now beginning to see take shape around the world.
While Heaven is currently stocking the shelves of these storehouses with the “new models” and “displays of power” that have been anticipated and longed for, it was in the relational coming together of these storehouses that the “outlet” was established. We are about to see prophetic and power ministries come alongside local churches that have been called and set apart to become apostolic storehouses in their city and region in a new way.
This is going to give birth to rivers whose streams shall make glad the city of God (see Psalm 46:4). In the setting of the outlet malls I was shown, it was in the structure being formed that created a place for these stores and shops to open their doors to the public.
Although in times past the Lord has brought revival, renewal, and restoration to various streams in and through the Body of Christ – this coming awakening will carry with it the combined moves of revival, renewal, and restoration as many streams come together, becoming the river of God. In this next move of the Spirit, God is going to be reviving, renewing, and restoring rivers positioned to bring awakening to cities, regions, and nations, as opposed to individual streams.
Our job as leaders is not to produce the river, but instead create apostolic “banks” where these streams can come together to flow and worship as one (see 2 Chronicles 5:12-6:2). This will give way to both the dedication of houses that the Lord chooses to call home and make glad the cities in which these storehouses are now being established.
While I was greatly encouraged by this vision, my attention has been more on the preparation and the process that precedes the appointed time of when the doors of promise are opened. Just as is the case in the natural, it is the celebration of “Thanksgiving” that culminates just hours before the opening of the store doors.
Enter into His gates with thanksgiving, and into His courts with praise. Be thankful to Him, and bless His name. Psalm 100:4
God is wiring these storehouses for power, but He has given us the responsibility to flip the switch. It is in the offering of thanksgiving that we will see the power turned on, and in the giving of praise that righteous judgments in favor of the saints will be released.
Jason Hooper
Senior Leader & Pastor, King’s Way Church
Email: info@kingswaybirmingham.com
Website: kingswaybirmingham.com
Jason Hooper is a revivalist, prophetic teacher, and pastor with a passion to see God’s Kingdom released through sound teaching, prophetic revelation, and demonstrations of God’s power. His ministry focuses on equipping and encouraging Believers to function as witnesses of God’s power and messengers of His heart from a place of intimate friendship with God.
Jason and his wife, Tina, serve as the senior leaders and pastors of King’s Way Church in Birmingham, Alabama, with a heart to see the name of Jesus lifted high as His Kingdom advances in and through our incredible city. Their primary desire is to fan the flames of revival and awakening while training and equipping the Body of Christ to walk in the fullness of their gifts and callings as Christ is more fully formed in them.
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Jason Hooper’s Itinerary:
Note: Events are subject to change at the ministry’s discretion. We suggest you always check first with the event contact listed here and/or directly visit their website for latest updates on each event.
May 15-17, 2014
School of the Prophets
with Archbishop Chuck Jones and Jason Hooper
Cathedral of Christ the King
1204 Highland Avenue, Selma, AL 36701
Contact: events.ctkselma@gmail.com
May 22, 2014 (7pm)
The Storehouse
4307 Alpha Road, Dallas TX 75244
June 26-29, 2014
The “Sound of Revival” (Cosponsored by the Elijah List)
with Ray Hughes, Jason Hooper, Jeff Whatley
King’s Way Church
324 Commons Drive, Birmingham, AL 35209
Contact: info@kingswaybirmingham.com or 205-916-4322
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