Word to Clare Foster | Heidi Baker’s Elisha

I have started getting some pretty amazing words. God is really increasing what He is telling me.

Last night, I spoke with one of the millennials coming up. She has an amazing love for Jesus and super-high calling.

As we were talking, I got the impression she is to take Heidi Baker’s place. Quite honestly, I believe Heidi is going to be a martyr, but I didnt tell that to Clare. I just told her that she was the successor as Elisha was to Elijah.

Well, she goes onto tell me the back story. She has history with Heidi in an extensive manner. Then, she sent me a word she just recently got. Wow!

Read below:

Side note: I was just going back through a long word spoken over me the day before the send – writing it all out and discovered this: 

“I See you in the dust in either Mozambique or Africa but I see as your feet step out, strongholds just tearing down in the name of Jesus.. I saw the Lord releasing a double portion mantle like when Elijah passes a mantel to Elisha. I really feel there is something so unique where you will carry something so great and so profound that literally it’s going to shake things all around you… I feel there is a real anointing on your life for travel and missions and that God is going to release burdens over people groups and nations – where God will wake you in the night and you’ll begin to cry over nations. You’re going to put on running shoes in the spirit and begin to run hard and fat after the things of God. You won’t look back anymore or second guess. Clare, this is your season. This is your time. This is your hour to go and to be sent..” 

It was 8 min long but I thought I’d share those parts specifically to show you how spot on you were. I didn’t realize how spot on until writing it all down just now. Wild.

I’ve had words spoken over me in that ballpark, dreams people had, things they saw. But I’ve never heard it laid out that plainly, or ever fully understood my burden for her, those people, the kids. Why she resonated with me so strongly, why God allowed me an extra week to speak confirmations over her and iris, why I happened to run into and be invited to an island with her the day after I was supposed to leave and felt so at home in the dirt, or why I couldn’t land in or leave Mozambique without weeping uncontrollably. I do a little more now – I can accept it a little more. I am scared. Terrified really. But my God is mighty and whatever Jesus asks of me is where I’ll be and what I’ll do. Serving whoever, wherever he leads. I just want Jesus. I’ll pour it all out at his feet. If I lose my life, he is worthy. I just want to yield. Then yield again. And again. Holding onto nothing and climbing the mountain with my hands wide open. More than anything, I just want intimacy with him. In the secret place, nothing is impossible.

The day after I found out I would be staying in Pemba for another week, me and a few friends were walking down to a beach front hotel down the street for lunch. We ran into Heidi and she asked us to take a boat out and come with her to dedicate a new well in a village called Londo. So we hopped on a boat and met her there. My friend Bri took this picture and wouldn’t stop saying how “in my element” I looked. Truly, I was. I was thriving. But until a few days ago, I didn’t know if I would ever actually get to go back or when that might be. Desires realized. 

Thanks for speaking into my life and not being afraid of the things that may be too big, scary or seemingly impossible. It’s in our smallness and weakness that God reveals his mighty power and do only what he can do, all for His glory. He so loves you and is such a proud Daddy. You steward your gifts well and walk in great obedience, humility, honor and integrity. Please keep me updated on how I can be praying for you.