I sent this as an email to her today. I pray God that it is of You and is received by her accordingly.
am honored to have you as my wife and mother of my children. I am thankful that God is bigger than any devils and has proclaimed the victory over us. I bless you and love you.
But, I have spent the last month or so praying and seeking the LORD on what is going on in our family. This is what I see:
1) Yes, we need to get you a life outside of this “bondage”. We all need it. I am very willing to help figure that out with you.
2) I do not sense your resistance to moving as from the LORD but as from the flesh. I think that getting your resume done and out in circulation will be a good test of this. I will help you get that done this week. We are going to move. I do not know when. I think that a lot depends on us achieving unity and coming into agreement with what God is saying for us. It is time for us to prosper. It is time for you to know the goodness of God and to stop believing the lies.
3) You have been abusive to me and in a state of rebellion in your heart. This is sin. I believe that your desire for circumstances to change and for a house, etc. opened your heart to idolatry and for jezebel to take hold. That has manifested in increasing anger, outright rebellion against the role of me as head of the family, abuse of my position in front of the children (lack of honor), withholding love from me and plenty of other characteristics of this spirit’s hold. Our struggles are not with flesh. I do not perceive my issues with you to be against you but against jezebel.
4) But, you have to break agreement and renounce allegiance to this spirit. This requires repentance and time with the LORD on the matter. I also call you to get in a group of spirit-filled women who are mature in the faith. You can no longer run in isolation.
5) Jordan’s issues go way back, and there are things that need to be dealt with. But, the demonic door has been opened because of all the stuff above. It is having a direct impact on her. She is manifesting witchcrafts’ hold, which comes directly from jezebel. Once this spirit is broken, we will see a big change in jordan. That does not mean that we do not still have work to do with her. But, there will be a significant change because a shift will occur in the spirit.
6) God is not going to let us move until this gets moving in the right direction. Search your heart on all of this and go to Him. You know that deceived people cant see it. I am sure that if this is of God, it will ring true in your spirit whether your flesh likes the words or not.
7) God is moving us through our promised land, and we are fighting. He is ready to give us our house. I do believe that we are to move down to the Peachtree City area. When God tells a man to do something, the family needs to submit to that. I am happy to process through this with you as the LORD has taught us. If you seek Him on the matter, He will tell you. I am all about mutual submission. We will be in agreement with the LORD on what He says about marriage and our respective roles. I also believe that He hasnt told you yet for the reasons above. Once your heart is right, I hope that we will see things transpire rather quickly. That is my hope…
It is time to change. I am not the marshmallow that you believe me to me. Actually, I carry a lot of weight in the spirit. I know who I am in Christ, and I know that some matters require my silence. When the LORD tells me to speak, that is when I speak.
I am doing just that now.
I love you and want a full life with you. I know that it has been overwhelming for you. And, I am excited for what is about to happen for you.
So, it is time to change.