Word to the Kings

I love the LORD. I have been praying hard about how to serve Dru. I dont see much fruit in our working together. No deals have happened. I talk to Jonathan about him, and he says that his work is sub-par. Well, God, what do I do?

Right after that exchange, I sent word to Dru. Here’s the skinny:

Funny you should say that. I met with him for another couple hours yesterday. I don’t know what is developing. He invited me to sit in on a sales call with him today and do the project management on the job should he win it. Odd for me to go on a sales call as that is not what I want to do. I do want to learn of Dave’s ways with WordPress project management. (He really likes the Canvas theme from Woo Themes, which does have some nice features, including built in multiple sidebars.) I want to work with a colleague in developing better means of execution. I want us each to prosper, probably retain our autonomous efforts, but combine efforts for greater success. Plus, there’s a community (kingdom) thing going on somewhere, somehow.

I’m curious why you made the suggestion. Feels like confirmation that it is good to pursue/explore.

Abundant returns,


Dru Shockley

building raving markets for committed contractors

On Tue, Nov 15, 2011 at 10:04 PM, John Stein | elevate29 <john.stein@elevate29.com> wrote:

Hey Dru,

I think that you should turn up the heat in discussions with Dave Carlson. There is something between you two.
Peace & Favor,

John J. Stein
(303) 590-5271 c
(720)- 213-6693 d
